Thursday 16 June 2011

Few days ago I came across a newspaper clipping containing the news of child named Deepak Sharma who started drinking at the age of only 15 years after coming under the influence of his friends(actually these friends are worst than enemies).This habit slowly indulge him what can be called as a secret drinker!! He started drinking at the parties and discos. He passed his 10th class with a 40%. But being the son of a rich dad he was sent abroad for his higher studies. After 4 years when he returned back and took his father's business into his hands even then his habits doesn't leave him and the result was unexpected! His company faced a loss of 80 lakhs. But even all these things  affect him very little.At the age of 21 he appears to be as 61. Wrinkles appears on his face, sunken cheeks & dark circles further add to his miseries of his appearance. After being married at the age 26 he left this wonderful and blissful world at  the age of 30 years leaving behind his wife and a three months child. It is shocking to know that the story of  Deepak Sharma is not new.Many Deepak's one can find in his surroundings.According to the survey conducted at the New Delhi's National Drug Dependence Treatment Centre(NDDTC) conducted on 2009 about 22500  new patients visit it every year in which 10-20% are youngsters. The problem is not restricted to the youngsters only. The outcomes have to be faced by their family members which is really very irritable.
    To enlist the reasons of these habits are many  but only to say like depressions but actually the thing is everyone try to do something different or in other words we can say that  he/she thinks that let's see what happens after tasting this and  most important role of the person in  most of the cases in indulging this habit is of friends! Let,s talk about peer pressure here.
 Peer Pressure:- Peer's position in human society is at height of the brother.This is the reason that after coming under their pressures we undergo this deadly habit which takes us no where except hell.They not only destroys their own life but also of others.Never try to listen to them on such topics. Always try to follow your principles and your sanskars what your parents have given to you.
        Here is some WHYS and HOWS of saying  ------>
             If someone offers you to drink look straight into his/her eyes and say "NO THANKS!"
             If that doesn't works follow these things--
  • USE HUMOUR:-Often a quick witty comment will stop anybody coaxing you to drink. If someone asked to drink say"No Thanks! I'm no fish"  or "I think we need to grow up" or "I prefer milk-I need  calcium".

  • KEEP AN EXCUSE READY:- Try these
            "I am going to the dentist and I don't want my breath to smell or
            "No thanks, I'm taking homeopathic medicine & can't take coffee or liquor"

  •    CHANGE THE SUBJECT:- Say "Oh my physics theory I need to study tonight"
      And never ever drink if you have to drive .
     And one thing at last which is more important is share everything whatever good or bad with your parents your elder brother like mine as i share my everything with my elder brother except your friends who are also like you and try to follow to their advises and suggestions and remember that "Drinking is not the way to get out of any depressions any mishappening any difficulties. So cheer up and face the challenges of your life in the  most courageous way you can " Always keep it in the mind that we should hope for the best but at the same time we should be prepared for the best " Don't forget  that Behind every every dark cloud there is a silver lining"
   "I wish you all a very cheerful life in future"


1 comment:

  1. amazing !!! very nice and inspirational ...good work ...keep it up !!!
